Cortney Andrews Studio Visit July 7th 2009

Cortney Andrews – website


Cortney Andrews


Left to Right - Yuka Otani, Talia Chetrit


Cortney Andrews Studio Visit Synopsis and Discussion Links.
During the Cortney Andrews’ studio visit on July 7th 2009 the group discussed her most recent body of photographs and a two channel video installation. This series of photographs included semi-narrative propositions focused on physiological and psychological tension as well as visual and optical disruption. The tension between the figures in the photos and their surroundings spurred discussion about the apparent difference in attitude within the domestic interiors and the landscape scenes in the series. The group also discussed ideas relating to scale, venue, surrogate surface, ambiguity in expression of emotion, desire, theatricality, and the duality of love and death.

-Amanda Lechner

Studio Visit and Discussion Links:

Yang Fudong, Seven Intellectuals in a Bamboo Forest
Andy Warhol – Blow Job
Francesca Woodman
Nan Goldin
Naomi Fisher
Hans Bellmer
Antonin Artaud
Catherine Deneuve

La petite mort
“Surrogate Surfaces” Bachelors by Rosalind Krauss

4 Responses to “Cortney Andrews Studio Visit July 7th 2009”

  1. 2 studiofuse July 8, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    Cortney Andrews Studio Visit Synopsis and Discussion Links.
    During the Cortney Andrews’ studio visit on July 7th 2009 the group discussed her most recent body of photographs and a two channel video installation. This series of photographs included semi-narrative propositions focused on physiological and psychological tension as well as visual and optical disruption. The tension between the figures in the photos and their surroundings spurred discussion about the apparent difference in attitude within the domestic interiors and the landscape scenes in the series. The group also discussed ideas relating to scale, venue, surrogate surface, ambiguity in expression of emotion, desire, theatricality, and the duality of love and death.

    Below are additional links relating to the studio visit and discussion.
    Please contribute by adding more information to the list!

    Yang Fudong, Seven Intellectuals in a Bamboo Forest
    Andy Warhol – Blow Job
    Francesca Woodman
    Nan Goldin
    Naomi Fisher
    Hans Bellmer
    Antonin Artaud
    Catherine Deneuve

    La petite mort
    Surrogate Surfaces


  2. 4 Cortney July 8, 2009 at 10:34 pm

    The subject of “surrogate surfaces” was discussed in relation to the settings where the figures are photographed. I came across this topic in an essay on Francesca Woodman in “Bachelors”, a book by Rosalind Krauss, in which she examines the work of 9 female artists’ explorations in surrealism from a feminist perspective.

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